Mindfulness is simply awareness

Why you should consider Mindfulness?

We run regular mindfulness courses which focus on noticing how our mind wanders and then learning techniques to bring the mind back to a central focus.

Stilling the mind



Mindfulness is not about trying to clear the mind of all thoughts. The first step in mindfulness training is to notice and become aware of the river of thought that flow through the mind. With that awareness we can then begin to let the thoughts pass by drawing the mind back to a focal point such as the breath or sound.


Often when practising mindfulness we might find that we are judgemental, critical and unkind to ourselves. As part of mindfulness training we develop practices to become kinder to ourselves and others.

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Explore the Mind

Once we become aware of the habitual patterns of thinking of the mind we can observe these thoughts with interest which can teach us much about how we live. It is like shining a light on a thought so that we can see it with some clarity. In this way we can become familiar with the inner workings of our mind.